DVD-Profiler Mini-Wiki

Cloning Profiles

When you encounter a DVD/BD that is not already in the database, it's a good idea to check if some version of the title exists in another locality and/or region. If it does, you can base your new profile on the existing one. This is sometimes referred to as "cloning" an existing profile.

The following are instructions and guidelines to help you do that:

When contributing to the main database it's a good idea to include the UPC/EAN and Locality of the profile you cloned, as well as mention which fields have been altered to fit with your version of the film.

A basic checklist of what may be different from profile to profile:

without changing at least one of those two, all changes you make are to the original profile
REGIONif necessary, make sure to change it to the new region
RATINGif your locality has different ratings than the release you're changing
RUNNING TIMEmay be different
EDITIONwill probably be different
RELEASE DATEyour release may or may not be different
SRPmake sure currency matches locality (SRP is the Suggested Retail Price price on release day)
CASE/SLIPmay be different
STUDIOSsometimes in different geographical areas the studios (or distributing studio) may be different
VIDEOmay need to change from NTSC to PAL or vice versa (watch out for differences in aspect ratio as well)
AUDIOaudio & subtitles will probably be different too
OVERVIEWmay be different, even in releases from countries with the same language
DISCIDwill definitely be different if change of region, may be same within region
COVERSwill most often be different if change of region, may be same within a region
FEATURESwill most likely be different
SUBTITLESwill most likely be different
EASTER EGGSwill most likely be different
MEDIA TYPEif you've changed a DVD to Blu-ray or HD DVD (or vice versa) you'll need to change the media type.